Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis


Workshop on

Probabilistic Field Theories

June 17-19, 2024

Aalto University, Finland

HomeLocal InformationProgramParticipantsRegistration

This 3-days workshop delves into the multifaceted world of probabilistic field theories, aiming at sharing insights, presenting novel methodologies, and fostering new collaborations.

We plan to gather distinguished experts and young researchers at the intersection of probability theory and field theory, understood in the wide sense encompassing mathematical quantum field theory, stochastic partial differential equations, fluid dynamics and homogenization, also including applications to algebraic field theory, dynamical systems, statistical mechanics, and particle models.

Confirmed Speakers


Scott Armstrong (Courant Institute at NYU, US)
Gerardo Barrera (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Nathanaël Berestycki (University of Vienna, Austria)
Ahmed Bou-Rabee (Courant Institute at NYU, US)
Ariane Carrance (École Polytechnique, Paris, France)
Baptiste Cerclé (EPFL, Switzerland)

Ajay Chandra (Imperial College London, UK)
Christophe Garban (Université Lyon 1, France)
Maria Gordina (University of Connecticut, US)
Antti Kupiainen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Minjae Park (University of Chicago, US)

Harprit Singh (Imperial College London, UK)
Christian Webb (University of Helsinki, Finland
Catherine Wolfram (MIT, US)

Tuomo Kuusi (Helsinki)
Eveliina Peltola (Aalto, Bonn)

Jonas Tölle (Aalto)



European Research Council
Research Council of Finland (former Academy of Finland)
Finnish Centre of Excellence in Randomness and Structures (FiRSt)
Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation
Matematiikan Rahasto, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, School of Science, Aalto University
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki


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