Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis


Numerical Analysis

Welcome to the home page of the research area of Numerical Analysis at Aalto University. Our researchers work in applied partial differential equations, complex network analysis, finite element methods, inverse problems, mathematics of medical imaging, matrix theory, numerical linear algebra, and optimal experimental design.

Open positions

  • No open positions currently.



Applied partial differential equations

Inverse Problems

Matrix theory and numerical linear algebra

Full list of members


Prospective students


We provide bachelor's, master's, and Doctoral thesis topics. See this list for information on the expertise of the supervisors and these links bachelor'smaster's and doctoral for the topics of some previous theses supervised at the department. If you are interested in topics in our research area, please feel free to contact the faculty members listed above.

We also provide Summer Internships for outstanding students. These are advertised at the department's website in late fall.


You are also welcome to take part in any of our courses related to numerical analysis.

Recent publications

Individual publication records and links to full articles when available can be found on the Aalto research page, where you can also find an overview of research output for the Numerical Analysis area. For preprints check the math arxiv and individual homepages.

Scientific events 

Numerical Analysis Seminars

The first seminar for the fall 2024 to-be-announced.

Upcoming seminars

Full list of our seminars

The numerical analysis group is supported by


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