Stability and Control of Stochastic Processing Networks
Stochastic processing networks are mathematical models for analyzing
the performance of information, communications, and manufacturing
systems subjected to highly varying, unpredictable demand. Most today's
communication services involve simultaneous operation of several
distinct servers, which implies that the capacity of each server
depends dynamically on the activity of other servers in the network. As
a consequence, traditional performance evaluation techniques are rarely
applicable. This project aims to develop new analytical methods for
stochastic processing networks, the main research themes being
stability characterization, multiscale analysis, and optimal control.
The key methodology used in the project is modern probability theory:
limit theorems of stochastic analysis, coupling of stochastic
processes, and martingales. The expected theoretical contribution of
the project consists of new criteria for stability and the existence of
couplings for vector-valued Markov processes, and new perturbation
results related to stochastic multiscale analysis. The expected results
relevant to applied sciences include new comparison formulas and
numerical algorithms for capacity estimation, resource allocation,
admission control, and scheduling in computer, communications, and
manufacturing networks.
- Funding: Academy of Finland, 2008-2010
- Researcher in charge: L. Leskelä
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