Laskutupa (mathematics tutoring lab)
Laskutupa will be:
- open for period IV, 26.2 - 8.4, 2025
- on campus (with online help also available)
- operating as per the detailed schedule below
- On campus, Y190c, Otakaari 1.
- On-line using the Aalto hosted zulip. If the tutors have spare time while working in the tutoring room they will answer questions online. Priority will always go to those in the room. Sign in using your Aalto credentials.
- Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 18:00 (approx)
- See the detailed schedule below
- Laskutupa is a free help centre primarily aimed at students in the basic mathematics courses (MS-A) although students from any mathematics course are welcome to come for help.
- The tutoring room is staffed with tutors per the schedule below.
- The tutors can help you with general concepts and difficulties you may have understading the lecture materials. They will also help you solve exercises by guiding you towards a solution. But please don't expect them to solve your exercises for you. Also note that tutors can not be expected to be immediately familiar with the details of every course. See below for information on which tutors have exepertise in which advanced courses.
Contact: David Radnell, M223, Otakaari 1,
Detailed Schedule: (will be updated by 25.2)
Period IV, 26.2 - 8.4, 2025 (Y190c, Otakaari 1)
Weeks 09-16 |
10-11 |
EP |
DK |
MM |
DK |
11-12 |
EP |
DK |
MM |
DK |
12-13 |
EM |
SK |
HO |
MM |
SP |
13-14 |
EM |
SK |
HO |
MM |
SP |
14-15 |
EM |
HO |
SP |
TR |
SK |
15-16 |
EM |
HO |
SP |
TR |
SK |
16-17 |
VS |
TR |
EP |
VS |
17-18 |
VS |
TR |
EP |
VS |
Each tutor has one or more superpowers. It is advisable, if possible, to target a tutor whose superpower is helpful in solving your problem!
Tutors and their superpowers:
AL = Aku Hertell (M, Me)
AH = Aune Hyvönen (M, T, D, L, P, St)
AK = Aleksi Kalsta (M, T, D, Me, L)
DK = Denis Kuznetsov (M, T, D)
EK = Eero Ketola (M, T, C, D, Me, L, P, St)
EM = Eija Myötyri (M, D, L)
EP = Elias Pelo (M, T, D, Me, L, N, P, F, St)
ET = Eljas Toepfer(M, T, Co, L, P, F, Me, D, N, St, S)
HO = Hannu Ojanen (M, T, Co, F)
HP = Heikki Pokela (M, L)
KT = Konsta Tiilikainen (M, T, D, F)
KM = Krzysztof ModrzyĆski (M, T, D, Me, L, N, St)
KP = Kauri Pälsi (M, D, MS, L, N, F)
MM = Markku Malmivuori (M, T, Co, L)
OM = Onni Miettinen (M, T, D, L, P, F)
SP = Sami Piippo (M, K)
SK = Samuel Klaver (M, T, C, Me, Co, L, P, F, SI)
TR = Tommi Raita (M)
TT = Teemu Tasanen (M, T, D, Co, L, P, F, Me, N, St)
TV = Tuomo Valtonen (M, R, D, Me, Co, L, N, St)
VS = Ville Saarikivi (M)
M =
Matematiikka (differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 1 - 3, matriisilaskenta)
T =
Todennäköisyyslaskenta ja tilastotiede
C =
Curves and surfaces
D =
Diskreetti matematiikka
Me =
Metric spaces
Co =
Complex analysis (K
L =
Lineaarialgebra ja differentiaaliyhtälöt
N =
Numerical Analysis and Matlab
P =
Partial differential equations
F =
Fourier analysis
SI = Statistical Inference
Stochastic processes
S =
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